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A monorepo, short for monolithic repository, is a version-controlled code repository that holds multiple projects. These projects can be related, but they are often logically independent and managed by different teams.

"Monorepos are used by companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Twitter, which host all their code in a single repository."


In JavaScript, the Lexical Environment is a place where identifiers lives or are physically present during the program execution. \nTechnically, It is an internal hierarchical data structure of the JS engine that hold identifier-variable mapping. It consists of two main components: the environment record and a reference to the outer environment.\n

"When a function is executed, a new Execution Context is created, when an Execution Context is created, a Lexical Environment is created.\n\nVariables declared with 'var' are hoisted to the top of their enclosing lexical environment.\n\nThe Lexical Environment is a key part of understanding how variable and function scope works in JavaScript."
