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A humorous term used in software development to describe the situation where a series of seemingly unrelated tasks or activities must be completed in order to accomplish a primary goal or objective, often leading to distraction, frustration, and inefficiency.

"Instead of fixing the bug, he found himself yak shaving—debugging the build system, updating dependencies, and refactoring unrelated code."


A variable or placeholder commonly used in mathematics, programming, and formal languages to represent a dependent or output value, often in relation to the independent or input value represented by 'x' in equations, formulas, or functions.

"In the equation 'y = mx + b', 'y' represents the dependent variable."


Yellowdog Updater Modified, a command-line package management utility for installing, updating, and managing software packages on Red Hat-based Linux distributions such as CentOS and Fedora, providing dependency resolution, package signing, and repository management features.

"She used yum to install the latest security updates and patches on the CentOS server."


A placeholder commonly used in mathematics, programming, and formal languages to represent the last element or endpoint in a sequence, range, or dimension, often in conjunction with 'x' and 'y' to denote three-dimensional coordinates or variables.

"The point (0, 0, z) represents a location along the z-axis in three-dimensional space."


A humorous term used to describe acronyms, initialisms, or abbreviations that consist of three letters, often encountered in technical fields like computing, engineering, and telecommunications, sometimes used sarcastically to poke fun at the proliferation of jargon and terminology.

"The software engineer encountered yet another XTLA while reading the documentation."
