A method of processing and storing data where the first item entered is the first to be removed.
"FIFO queues are used in various computing scenarios, such as buffering data streams or managing tasks in operating systems."
A standardized, general-purpose purely functional programming language, with non-strict semantics and strong static typing.
"Haskell is known for its high level of abstraction, enabling concise and expressive code that closely represents mathematical logic."
A feature of some object-oriented programming languages in which a class can inherit behaviors and characteristics from more than one parent class.
"Multiple inheritance can increase the functionality of a class but also introduces complexity and potential for conflicts between the inherited classes."
In functional programming, an object that can be mapped over, applying a function to each value in the object to produce a new object.
"In Haskell, functors are used to apply functions to wrapped values within context, such as lists or maybe types."
A twist on the phrase 'eat your own dog food', it means using the products that one develops to ensure they meet quality standards and user needs.
"By drinking our own champagne, we demonstrate confidence in our products and gain firsthand insight into the user experience."